Q: What does RAST 5 stand for?
R - grid (DE: Raster)
A - connection (DE: Anschluss)
S - plug (DE: Steck)
T - technology (DE: Technik)
5 - division 5mm (for power currents) = distance between the contacts
Q: Why has RAST been developed?
A: The RAST specification has been developed by the German household appliance industry in cooperation with connector manufacturers.
The aim was to:
- use a common standard that would ensure conformity of the connectors from different manufacturers.
- exclude errors in the production process and incorrect wiring.
- simplify the assembly of the end devices.
Q: What are the benefits of RAST connectors?
A: RAST improves wiring security and prevents incorrect connections. It also enables the grouping of connections. The automotive industry has also recognized these advantages and has adopted RAST connectors.
Q: Do all home appliance manufacturers use RAST 5 connectors?
A: Since RAST is only a guideline and not a standard, it is not required for household appliances. While it offers higher security and better connections, it does sell at a slightly higher price. That is why the RAST technology is nowadays mainly used by household appliance manufacturers in the premium segment.
Q: Which Electro Terminal products have RAST 5 connectors?
A: Electro Terminal first developed products based on the RAST directive in 1996. Electro Terminal currently offers many products for the household appliance industry with optional RAST technology.